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Located in Piracicaba, Brazil, the residence you are about to enjoy is a fantastic modern architectural response to its surroundings. Displaying 21,500 square feet of living spaces – both entertaining and private rooms, the Piracicaba House is only 250km away from São Paulo. Designer Isay Weinfeld constructed the architecture in complete harmony with the surrounding landscape – following the terrain’s contour and displaying a North orientation. According to the architect, “the distribution on 3 floors arranged in perpendicular axes allows the land displacement to be overcome naturally, and makes the garden accessible from any floor: the lower ground, semi subterranean and positioned in the lowest level of the land, parallel to the contour lines, houses storage areas, the mechanical room and garage – that standing on grid pillars. The ground floor, laid out as an L and accessible from the street through an S-shaped ramp, houses the service areas and the lounge/dining room – the latter, fully encased in glass, on one side overlooks the back portion of the land and merges with the pool deck through wide sliding doors; on the other side, is shielded from the sun and secluded from the street by a long sun baffle made of large vertical concrete slabs, unevenly placed along the whole facade. The upper floor, a volume that stretches perpendicularly to the contour of the land and that, at one end, cantilevers towards the street, and at the other is planted on the higher section of the land, houses the bedrooms and the den – the latter opening onto a large wooden deck, build on the ceiling slab over the lounge/dining room.” Surprisingly comfortable, the Piracicaba House also features a rectangular swimming pool located in the interior of the L-shaped interior spaces display. Could you call this a dream home?

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Ada Teicu 27 Sep, 2011 --
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