Ahmanson Founders Room is a refined place for relaxation designed by Belzberg Architects and located underground, on the first level of the subterranean parking at The Music Center in Los Angeles. The 2,500 square foot relaxation area is now an original time out place, where people from downtown LA can escape the congested city and the noise. Despite its low profile, sunken location, the Ahmanson Founders Room showcases an incredibly stylish design, with a beautiful dim lighting scheme and material textures. The furniture is classy and comfortable, in tune with the overall design and atmosphere. According to the architects, the materials used for the ceiling and walls were low-grade douglas fir lumber and medium density fiberboard. We find it thrilling that tasteful design is being more and more integrated in developing socializing spaces such as restaurants and lounges. [Photographs by Fotoworks]
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Source: http://freshome.com/2011/08/31/designing-with-character-ahmanson-founders-room-in-la/
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