We recently received some inspiring pictures that depict Eline Pellinkhof’s fun cross-stick wall embroideries. Eline Pellinkhof’s Wall Embroidery is a cheerful way to decorate your walls using a chic handmade pattern. The artist is a Netherlands-based craft material and fabric patterns freelance designer and her talent shows throughout her work. The cross-stitch murals were all done by hand, but Eline has designed a stencil that helps anyone decorate the walls with the beautiful and creative pattern. The stencil will be available starting October on Eline’s website. Paint it on the walls, on canvas or fabric, the wall embroidery will look fabulous! If you want to see a video of the photo shoot for her Wall Embroidery, scroll down to the end of the post and enjoy! The photos were taken by photographer Hans Guldemond and capture the essence of Eline’s talent. What do you think about the wall embroidery?