Designed as a multi-residential building, the Avenue showcases a splendid solution to constructing a home that does not fit the usual typology of a suburban residence displaying a garage at the entrance. : “As a rejection of this prevailing model the project sought to sensitively provide a high quality infill development as a modest and discreet intervention to the streetscape. The key element in the development of the concept is the rammed earth wall, which serves at once as a party wall and boundary identifier, and as an anchor grounding the dwellings and holding them in the landscape. One of our primary aims was the development of a sensitive typology for urban consolidation in what is an established outer suburban fringe setting. The lack of defining boundary elements along the street preserves the original landscape features and serves to unify the streetscape appearance and reinforce the prevailing neighbourhood character.” Located in a residential suburb of Melbourne, Australia, named Blackburn, the Avenue was designed by Neil Architecture, who explained the inspiration and construction of the house.
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