If you were looking for a delicate way to add some freshness to your crib, search no more. These stylish sculptural planters designed by Score + Solder are a modern addition to any home that lacks a green corner. The glass sculptures are highly original, come in different shapes and are easy to hang anywhere in the house. Aside from having your plant in a proper environment, the products also have a strong aesthetic effect. They provide a tasteful modern addition for the ones that love to have their home decorated in a contemporary manner. The prices vary, depending on the model- the small cube for example is $110 and the large one- $130. Apparently, the planters are being sold at a very fast rate, so the people managing the official website announced their next orders will be processed in mid October. Do you find them to be a good alternative for the traditional flower pots?
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Source: http://freshome.com/2011/09/28/sculptural-planters-for-elegant-contemporary-homes/
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