We just received an intriguing chair design from Remmelt Dirksen of Melt Interieur. The 95% wood chair pays tribute to simplicity while having a cool appearance. Here is some information from the press release we were sent by the project developers: “The 95% wood chair is characterized by his bend plywood frame and a steel round tube front leg which gives the chair a pleasant form. A new 2,5 mm thick flexible composite backrest and seat make this chair very comfortable and gives you the perfect fit. This cleverly designed wooden chair with his characteristic steel foreleg can be used not only in residential spaces but also in business surroundings“. We would dare add that it could be a good furniture piece to integrate in the children’s room as well. Freshome readers, how do you appreciate the design of this bentwood chair?
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Source: http://freshome.com/2011/09/29/a-simple-yet-cool-design-95-wood-chair-by-remmelt-dirksen/
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