IPNOTIC Architecture is an architecture and interior design studio settled in Poznan, Poland. The company undertakes wide range of architectural and interior projects: single houses, public buildings and modernization of existing buildings. We recently received a lovely project from the studio, which we would love to share further. Here is the press release we were sent: “IPNOTIC Architecture designed the interior of this small sized, energy-saving house for young couple in Kiekrz. Emphasizing on open spaces and individual design makes living place consistent and spacious. Allthought the home, minimal details harmonize with the character of inhabitants. The basic colors we used are white and black. Floor and furniture of bleached oak makes the interior calm and natural. Everything is a background for inhabitants' style of life. Fruits, books and other accessories are strong accents here. Clear space emphasis the meaning and form of every object“. Enjoy the photos and details this home has to offer! [Photography by Rafał Owczarski and Alina Rybacka ]
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Source: http://freshome.com/2011/09/21/stylish-and-minimalist-home-in-poland-by-ipnotic-architecture/
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