Starr Residence is a lovely home displaying an intriguing architecture. The project was designed by Brian Meyerson Architects and is located in an eastern suburb of Sydney, Australia. According to the architects,”the design of this house at Bondi Beach centers on maximizing space within strict height and bulk controls while taking advantage of available views, light and breezes. Arising from these controls, architectural imagery is developed referring to the cultural history of Bondi and to the sand and sea. A sweeping copper roof evokes various images ranging from surf boat hulls to breaching humpback whales. Stone, plywood and intricately formed concrete give spaces character. These materials are complemented by compelling opposites, such as soft sheer curtains with alternating with planes of solidity and transparency. The house attempts to lyrically connect to its beach-side site." Do you find this home’s exterior appealing or too extravagant?
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