The Oxlade House was designed by studio Arkhefield and is located in Queensland, Australia. According to the architects, the building is “sited within a transitional zone between traditional Queenslanders and a mix of post-]1960s housing stock. Despite an eclectic streetscape, town planning codes dictated that the house must adopt a Character Housing typology. This planning constraint challenged and grounded the client's brief for a bold contemporary architecture. Whilst the house has a non-traditional expression, it interprets and abstracts traditional typologies of a solid 'core' with integrated verandas, legible roof, and layered screening. The house explores a variety of spatial and experiential transitions from public to private, hard to soft, solid to filter. The landscape and outdoor spaces are interwoven within the navigation and experience of the house. The filtered verandah becomes a buffer to the elevated living room as the first of a linear progression of spaces, from private contained rooms to open, engaged family spaces”. We find its overall design quite daring and are curious to see your feedback.
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