A coffee and a diary together always make up a pretty sight. Add a pen, put them on a ring and what do you get? Cute jewelery, worth exhibiting among friends,family or cool coworkers. The Coffee Ring Diary Ring was designed by the people at SouZouCreations and features the fun combo of objects mentioned above. The producers say that the unusual ring is addressed to the ones that love to contemplate life and write down their thoughts while doing so. Believe it or not, the small notebook can open up. And yes, there is real paper inside, so this is one ring you are not supposed to get wet! The three small objects are placed on a silver tone adjustable band that can fit most ring sizes, measuring about 3.8 cm wide. We found this item on Etsy, but apparently it is no longer in stock. But we are certain getting in contact with the producers will convince them that more similar rings are needed on the market.
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Source: http://freshome.com/2011/09/20/unusual-jewelery-coffee-ring-diary-ring-by-souzoucreations/
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