Located in Fayetteville, Arkansas, in the city’s historic district, the Allen Residence features 1,358 square feet plus an additional 2,596 square feet under roof area including a two car carport, a workshop, a screen porch and front entry porch. The two-bedroom residence is home to Professor and Director of Graduate Studies for Fulbright College of Arts & Science, who used the home’s design and building process as an example in her Environmental Communications course. Using passive solar energy and having been built with environmentally friendly materials, the Alden Residence is an example of sustainable modern living. Two simple opposing slope shed roofs with a breezeway in between cover the interior spaces, while the three foot overhangs protect the rooms from too much sun. Designed by Skiles Architect , the house features fiber cement board, galvalume and cedar slates as main building materials and other sustainable elements:” The project earned an Energy Star 5+ certification. Other features include geothermal heat pump with radiant concrete floors, SIP roof panels and a generous screen porch to block the west sun. The cathedral ceilings, with exposed laminated beams and pine decking continue to the exterior porches to blur the line between inside and outside. The narrow footprint allows for natural light to permeate and enliven the interior.”
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Source: http://freshome.com/2011/10/01/environmentally-friendly-residence-in-fayettevilles-historic-district/
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