A solution to prolonging the childhood is this creative illuminated swing design. Why stop having fun when natural light hides away until next morning? Just hop on the illuminated swing and continue dreaming and swinging into the night. Found on Bem Legaus, the illuminated swing can trick you into having more fun than usual and help you forget all worries. Just imagine yourself swinging in the backyard with a dim light coming from the house and a bright, vivid light guiding your ups and downs. This fantastic project comes from BCXSY – Boaz Cohen and Sayaka Yamamoto – and is part of the PLAY Collection. The Swing Lamp “creates a comforting ambiance through lighting and movement“. Three main elements compose this swing: polyethylene, synthetic rope and a rechargeable LED light. Simple and fun, the Swing Lamp will glow and guide your way to having clean fun.
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Source: http://freshome.com/2011/08/29/awesome-clean-fun-with-the-swing-lamp-from-bcxsy/
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