We featured plenty of interesting looking apartments on Freshome, yet the Rounded Loft designed by Prague-based studio A1 Architects brings a new approach. The duplex is the result of turning a former attic space into a beautiful contemporary 2,368 square-foot home. Here is an excerpt from the official project description from the architects: “The issue of "boundless" space became the main motif of our work. The private spaces such as bedrooms are of course separated, but the rest of common activities rooms are connected within one fluent space. It starts at the entrance hall with dressing wardrobes and slightly continues towards living space and kitchen with large dining table, the space is also opened to upper gallery which is meant for guests. To reach specific fluency of space we decided to round off some of the interior corners, which finally give the space its unique smooth character. Due to these softened corners one moves and feel simply free and the boundaries of walls somehow disappears. Even the staircase with integrated fireplace and library climbs up in rounded corner.” Be sure to check out the sketches at the end of the post for a better understanding of the apartment’s structure and don’t forget to give us your feedback.
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Source: http://freshome.com/2011/08/30/duplex-in-prague-defined-by-elegance-and-creativity-rounded-loft/
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