If you ever dreamed about being on a magazine cover… let’s say this is the next best thing. These magazine cover pillowcases have a youthful feel about them and can turn out to be a fun and inspired present for all your “fashionable” friends. These designs can transform their users into Esquire, Playboy, Vogue and even Times personalities, since the person on the cover is missing, therefore allowing the pillowcase owner to become the star of the evening. Sleeping like a media personality may not actually occur, but it is worth giving it a shot. The pillowcases can be purchased online here, for $ 39,99. We are interested in knowing what you think of these designs. Do you find them trendy or too cliché? And last but not least, what cover magazine would you be challenged to appear on?
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Source: http://freshome.com/2011/09/13/become-the-star-of-the-evening-magazine-cover-pillowcases/
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