Japan’s water fountains are in touch with technology. Have a look at this incredible display of patterns as the succeed in Osaka City Station. You have to admit this is an original why to find out what time it is. Aside from showcasing a collapsing digital clock, this Osaka water fountain displays plenty of other patterns (some of them quite artistic), made up of a variety of shapes. The result is spectacular, the type of performance that can get you stuck in front of it for several minutes in a row, without realizing it. The ingenious system is based on a printer that emits illuminated water droplets and that is controlled digitally. The patterns are said to reproduce images stored on a computer. Enjoy the video below and tell us if you’re impressed by the show!
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Source: http://freshome.com/2011/09/13/japanese-fountain-with-collapsing-water-patterns-video/
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