Van Der Merwe Miszewski Architects have designed the Tree House, a 2,475 square foot, three story contemporary residence located in Cape Town, South Africa. The project concept is based on the fact that the tree is an iconic and precious life element in Africa, providing shelter and shield. Here is more from the architects: “Five tree-like structures anchor the roof to the ground and provide shelter for the functions gathered under. These trees are surrounded by an entirely separate lightweight transparent steel and glass enclosure supported on a heavily rusticated stone base. The design of the house incorporates themes of narrative, of layering and of expressed threshold. The visitor is invited to take part in a journey of discovery, requested to participate in the unlocking of experiences within the house, the unpeeling of layers. We tried to heighten the experience of unveiling and of delicate exposure, to create within the house sensuality and moments of intense intimacy – a folly immersed in, and closely linked with, the majestic beauty of the African landscape – a simultaneous dialogue between inside and outside and outside and inside, neither taking precedent over the other." Enjoy the design details of this unusual “tree house” and don’t hesitate to share your opinions in the comments section below.
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