Looking for unconventional ways to spice up the design of you hallway? Perhaps these paint brush coat hooks from creative powerhouse Dominic Wilcox can do the trick. Believe it or not, the idea hit the designer after discovering some paint brushes he had forgotten to wash. We find this idea to be quite ingenious, not to mention easy to do it yourselves. We also believe its practicability could be taken further. Why should paint brushes only be used as coat hangers, when they could do well for clothes of smaller weight too? Moreover, they have an intriguing appearance, making one inevitably think at an artist’s studio. The project was especially created for the Object Abuse exhibition at KK Outlet in London. For more crazy hook ideas, be sure to also check out 25 of the Most Creative Wall Hook Designs, a post that was published on Freshome a while back.
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Source: http://freshome.com/2011/09/01/fun-original-and-practical-paint-brush-coat-hooks-by-dominic-wilcox/
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