The Semiahmoo Library Green Wall was recently uncovered in the White Rock suburb of Vancouver, Canada. Designed and constructed by North American-based design firm Green over Grey, the expansive living wall is the largest outdoor green wall in the region. The living wall covers 3,000 square feet and “consists of over 10,000 individual plants representing more than 120 unique species. It includes ground covers, large perennials, shrubs and small trees.” The living wall on the public library sets and example for other buildings – it s environmental benefits range from energy saving features to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. “The large diversity of plant species chosen creates a balanced ecosystem that is an urban oasis for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. The living wall helps to insulate the building, purify the air and transforms the grey concrete into hundreds of shades of green.” declared Patrick Poiraud, Principal at Green over Grey – Living Walls and Design.
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