30 Outdoor Canopy Beds Ideas for a Romantic Summer

92177 outdoor furniture 30 Outdoor Canopy Beds Ideas for a Romantic Summer
Summer is about taking time off, enjoying good weather and healthy relaxation time. Well at least it should be. This is why for today we decided to put together 30 of the most inspiring outdoor canopy beds ideas out there that we believe could make your summer a dream one. These baldaquins inspire peace, shade and nature time. As you can see from the photos below, most of them are located in picturesque environments, whether we are talking about lush gardens, natural ponds or fantastic pools. We like each and everyone of them, from the king-sized beds floating on water to the more rustic ones, reminding of comfortable hammocks. Add a small design-matching table for fresh lemonade or fancy cocktails and you are on a secured path to sweet relaxation. Take your time, enjoy the photos, and at the end tell us which one you like best!
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Source: http://freshome.com/2011/08/16/30-outdoor-canopy-beds-ideas-for-a-romantic-summer/