Encouraging Clients’ Relaxation: Dermatology Clinic in Tennessee

1312757212 woodbury 01 1000x772 Encouraging Clients Relaxation: Dermatology Clinic in Tennessee
Woodbury Dermatology Clinic was designed by Archimania and is located in Memphis, Tennessee, USA. The aim of this project found on ArchDaily was to create a warm and appealing setting, where the clients would feel comfortable. The clinic consists of three different parts, differentiated by contrasting exteriors: one clad in stone (private space for employees), a wood and glass volume (public waiting area plus rear seminar room) and a section with stainless steel panels (the clinic itself). All the interiors are bathed in natural light and the overall feel is friendly and unique. We were delighted to see a dermatology clinic that managed to turn design into a factor of client-appeal. We are interested in finding out your opinion regarding this approach. Do you believe this type of clinic could really have an impact on the clients’ panic level? [Photo credits: © Jeffrey Jacobs Photography]
1312757225 woodbury 02 1000x759 Encouraging Clients Relaxation: Dermatology Clinic in Tennessee
1312757238 woodbury 03 684x1000 Encouraging Clients Relaxation: Dermatology Clinic in Tennessee
1312757249 woodbury 04 1000x625 Encouraging Clients Relaxation: Dermatology Clinic in Tennessee
1312757259 woodbury 05 1000x772 Encouraging Clients Relaxation: Dermatology Clinic in Tennessee
1312757273 woodbury 06 676x1000 Encouraging Clients Relaxation: Dermatology Clinic in Tennessee
1312757284 woodbury 07 1000x666 Encouraging Clients Relaxation: Dermatology Clinic in Tennessee
1312757296 woodbury 08 666x1000 Encouraging Clients Relaxation: Dermatology Clinic in Tennessee
1312757306 woodbury 09 772x1000 Encouraging Clients Relaxation: Dermatology Clinic in Tennessee
1312757320 woodbury 10 666x1000 Encouraging Clients Relaxation: Dermatology Clinic in Tennessee
1312757330 woodbury 11 1000x781 Encouraging Clients Relaxation: Dermatology Clinic in Tennessee
1312757342 woodbury 12 772x1000 Encouraging Clients Relaxation: Dermatology Clinic in Tennessee
1312757198 woodbury site section 1000x772 Encouraging Clients Relaxation: Dermatology Clinic in Tennessee
1312757189 woodbury floor plan 1000x772 Encouraging Clients Relaxation: Dermatology Clinic in Tennessee

Source: http://freshome.com/2011/08/19/encouraging-clients-relaxation-dermatology-clinic-in-tennessee/